Friday 4 January 2013

Animatic Improvements

·        Needs more jump scares
·        Include the film title at the end of the trailer
·        Scenes without sounds need to be filled in
·        Cut up the radio transition with the radio tuning sounds, only including the audio which stands out the most in the extract.
·        Get a male to voice the radio
·        Include zombie scream in the zombie transformation clip
·        Add footsteps and out of breath sounds to the running scenes
·        Use a tripod for the night time shots to avoid camera blur
·        Extend some inter titles
·        Rearrange the order of some shots
·        Extension of the ending -
Finds tunnel door
Wipes dust off door and discovers 'T13'
Film date appears
Sounds of lights flickering, fades into low angle shot of group walking into abandoned lab with lights still flickering.
Jump cut to zombie screaming, with a fast fade of white which will fade into the flickering lights.
Billing block

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